Finishing my disseration; new draft on Ceptre!

This blog has been silent for some time now due to me putting all of my writing energy into a draft of my dissertation! It has now been sent to my committee, and I defend on August 31st. For now, the draft is in private circulation, but I'm not being picky about who reads it: if you're interested in looking at a copy, let me know. I'll be sure to post a link here once the defense draft is ready.

Meanwhile, a new paper on my game modeling language Ceptre (a fundamental piece of my thesis) has been accepted to AIIDE 2015! Here's a recent draft.

In the next few weeks, I'm going to try to get Ceptre into shape with enough documentation that brave-enough souls can experiment on their own. Meanwhile, the GitHub repo is available, and I'm happy to assist anyone who's interested in playing with what's there.


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